Some of the best fixes for hair loss
Let’s continue analyzing some of the best fixes for hair loss, that we have seen in this post:
Imbalances in hormone levels are common during
- Puberty,
- Polycystic ovary syndrome,
- Pregnancy,
- Use of oral contraceptives,
- Menopause
- Natural low production of estrogens,
- Obesity and overweight.
These solutions can and should be used together with the use of the practical part of this program.
Let’s analyze now, one by one, each of these points, one by one, starting with Puberty.
Just before the onset of adolescence, adrenal glands start to produce de-hydro-epiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), an androgen, and DHEA.
The hormones that dominate and regulate the female development are an mainly the estrogens called estradiol and progesterone, which promote the sexual characteristics, and they all derive from DHEA.
Girls also produce androgen hormones, but 20 times less than boys do.
This increased hormonal secretion during puberty kindles a higher secretion of sebum by sebaceous glands, contributing to acne, which is a common thing among teenage boys.
Surplus oil secretion by the sebaceous glands clogs hair follicles leading to the development of bacteria, which causes acne, pimples and sometimes even hair loss.
Teenagers going through puberty often experience also a significant degree of stress, for a series of reasons such as fights with the parents, study and love matters, just to name a few.
This stress, together with puberty hormonal changes, can contribute to hair loss, as explained in the first part of this video and in module 5.
It is usually the boys who have troubles with their hair because of puberty, but if you are a girl in your teens and your hair has started to thin, the reason for this may be a high quantity of androgens in your blood.
Another reason for female hair loss is the polycystic ovary (PCOS), a syndrome characterized by irregular or absent menstrual periods which can cause changes in androgen levels leading to hormonal acne, and hair loss.
This condition is characterized by the accumulation of numerous cysts on the ovaries and it is associated with high male hormone levels, absent ovulation, and other metabolic problems.
High levels of androgens in a woman’s body can lead to hair loss, as well as other problems such as obesity, excess facial and body hair, acne and infertility.
In females, one of the main purposes of androgens is to be converted into estrogen.
However, the rate of conversion from testosterone to estradiol during early puberty, is highly individualized, and very often the level of free testosterone in the blood is higher than normal.
If you are losing your hair you should be checked for this condition soon.
The advantage that women have is that female hormones can act against androgens and continuously counterbalance their damaging effect.
This explains why hair disorders in women are milder and easier to manage than their male counterparts.
Feminine hormones protect the hair follicles, and the amount of DHT in the scalp is lower than men’s.
In case of physical conditions like PCOs, high amounts of androgens in the blood can make it tough for estrogen to protect your hair.
This secretion, when left unchecked, can even increase the quantity of DHEA that is converted into testosterone, rather than feminine hormones and this imbalance can create a lot of trouble for your hair.
In addition to using the training part of our program, you should visit a doctor or specialist, and carefully watch the last part of this video where I mention a few solutions that may help you regulate your bodies hormonal secretions, even int he case of PCOs.
Ok, lets move on to the next point:
Pregnancy and birth
Hair loss that is connected to pregnancy usually occurs after delivery.
This happens because during the 9 months that a woman is pregnant, the level of estrogen in the body increases greatly.
This rise in hormones prevents hair loss, because the feminine hormones protect the health of the hair and hair follicles.
The normal hair loss cycle gets delayed during pregnancy, but right after delivery, the female body experiences a sudden drop in the secretion of all the feminine hormones.
Because of this more than 50% of the hair that is in the growth state may instantly enter into the third stage of a hairs life and fall out.
When estrogen decrease, testosterone increases, and this contributes to irritate the sebaceous glands and of course increase DHT levels on the scalp.
This is the main cause of female after-delivery hair loss.
Fortunately, this type of shedding is temporary and it returns to normal within three to four months after the birth.
Hair loss can be triggered by anything that involves a change in the estrogen hormone balance in your system.
Any therapy that your doctor may recommend or prescribe you, should be accompanied by the active use of the practical part of our anti hair loss method, which is 100% natural and is fully compatible with any treatment and any supplement available anywhere on the planet.
Ok next point: Oral contraceptives
Oral contraceptives contain testosterone, and this may alter your estrogen levels.
Millions of women take the pill each year, but very few are aware that it can trigger hair loss, because of the hormonal unbalance it creates.
Women who are sensitive to the hormonal changes taking place in their bodies, can experience hair loss to varying degrees while on the pill or more commonly, weeks after stopping it.
If you suspect that this is the cause of your hair loss, I recommend that you use a low-androgen birth control pills or even better, another non-hormonal form of birth control treatment.
Talk to your doctor and see what’s the best solution for you, but keep in mind that any medication or therapy that alters a woman’s hormones, including contraceptives, can trigger hair loss.
Ok, next point is Menopause.
At the onset of menopause women naturally experience a decline in their levels of estrogens and other hormones as well.
This loss of estrogen, as we know, can cause hair to begin thinning.
After menopause the adrenals become the primary hormone factory, and another factor that begins playing against your hair health is that the ratio of DHEA that is converted into testosterone outweighs what’s converted into estrogen and progesterone.
This contributes to trigger hair loss.
Many women in this period of their life have also a low thyroid function, which accounts for many cases of hair loss.
In fact hypothyroidism is characterized by an underproduction of the hormones needed to support daily activities.
This is the reason why many women in this age feel fatigued, and some of them can experience hair loss.
Thyroid in fact plays a vital key role in helping the body metabolize food, store and use energy, and other essential body activities.
Hormones need to be in a delicate balance.
Also a period of stress can result in high levels of cortisol which suppress thyroid function.
The next factor that can trigger or cause hair loss is a
Naturally unbalanced production of estrogens
An estimated 5 to 10 percent of women produces naturally too much or too little female hormones, and suffers from disorders of androgen excess, which can create as we know, hair loss.
Left untreated, high levels of androgens, regardless of whether a woman has PCOs or not, can lead to serious health consequences, such as insulin resistance, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease and of course hair loss.
Visit a doctor or a specialist and get the situation sorted out.
This is of course the first action to do.
At the same time, the active use of the Full Program can help you at least to control the androgen levels on your scalp, and prevent that too much testosterone is converted into DHT.
Remember at this purpose, what I said in the videos dedicated to DHT conversion, blood flow, oxigenation tissue and estradiol.
All right, the last point I will analyze is Obesity and over weight.
We have seen how the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOs) is one of the causes of obesity, and because of the link they have, many overweight or obese women have also hair problems.
Also in this case the cause is an unbalance of hormone production: PCOs can in fact cause a rise in androgen secretion.
Another link between hair loss and obesity is found in women who suffer from thyroid dysfunctions.
This condition is associated with changes in body weight.
Weight gain often develops after treatment of hypothyroidism.
Obesity, hair loss and hypothyroidism are also strictly connected, because of the hormonal imbalance that they create.
Another relation between hair loss and obesity is, as always, stress and depression.
Weight gain can easily be one of the consequences of prolonged adrenal fatigue, because under stress the body tries to slow down metabolism to conserve energy.
In these conditions excessive fatty tissue is accumulated.
Besides, many depressed women tend to find pleasure and relief from their condition, abusing all types of food, often food you should avoid, if you want to keep the body working properly.
Obesity or excessive fat is one of the consequences, as well as hair shedding.
Aside from the extra strain placed on the body, obesity has been associated to different other diseases such as diabetes, heart problems and even some types of cancer – all of which can have as a side effect, different degrees of hair loss.
Another important thing that you should know is that male hormones are released as a result of weight gain.
Obese people have levels of these hormones that encourage abnormal metabolism and the accumulation of body fat.
While a nutritionist or a specialized doctor can help you with your body weight, our role is to help you stop hair loss with the use of our program.
Let’s take a look now at some solutions for these conditions:
During any of the conditions mentioned in this video, a lower, unbalanced secretion of estrogens can be particularly destructive to your hair health.
Why? Because estrogen is what controls the male hormones in females, preventing hair loss, protecting the hair follicle and the sebaceous glands.
We have seen in module 5 that DHEA is the mother of all the sex hormones, including estrogens.
DHEA is used by the body to produce the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which are released during periods of stress and depression.
So, whenever these hormones are produced, DHEA levels are lowered.
Lower DHEA secretion in a woman’s body means lower estrogens and lower female hormones.
This creates troubles for your hair.
By increasing its levels, you can reestablish your hair health.
This is the general rule.
If your body is not producing enough DHEA, whether you are a teenager, or a menopausal woman, you have to replace the quantities of this hormone in your body.
During stressful periods, talk to your doctor and take some exams to establish what your normal hormone production range is, and ask about a DHEA supplement.
This can help you increase the estrogen levels in your body and control excess DHT.
Since regular DHEA supplements have androgenic effects which your hair could be sensitive to, a supplement based on a DHEA derived hormone, called 7 keto DHEA, could be a much safer way to go.
7-keto is its natural metabolite, and unlikely DHEA, which readily converts to the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, it cannot be converted to sex hormones.
A supplement based on this hormone, rather then DHEA, can be thus much safer for women.
If such a supplement is needed to help your adrenals get back to a condition where the natural DHEA secretion are normal, then I highly recommend for you to take it, but remember to always consult your doctor first, and if hes not aware of the existence of these supplements, talk to a competent and informed practitioner.
Even though 7keto DHEA, doesn’t convert to sex hormones, it will still help you a lot through periods of stress.
It goes without saying that you should spot the real cause of this stressful condition and resolve it – do not just sit and wait that something happen!
Another way to go, in order to get back the health of your hair is the bioidentical hormones treatment.
If your hormone secretion is altered, they need to be somehow replaced in your body.
Initially it was thought that a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was the best way to do this, but in the last years it has been found that HRT actually poses more health risks than benefits, especially when given to postmenopausal women.
The best way to go is to naturally replace your DHEA and estrogens quantities in your body, and consult with a skilled physician, knowledgeable in natural medicine and bio-identical hormone replacement.
Bioidentical hormones are formulated in a lab and have the same molecular structure of the hormones females make in their body.
The FDA has approved many BHT-based products from pharmaceutical companies, such as Estradiol products and Prometrium-progesterone.
These natural alternatives are called phytoestrogens, and they are plant-based compounds that can act like natural estrogen hormones made by the body.
Soy foods, flax seeds, and whole grains are among the dietary sources of these plant hormones.
Phytoestrogen compounds structurally resemble natural estrogen produced by the body, even though they are milder than women’s intrinsic estrogen.
Scientists have detected the presence of phytoestrogens in blood and urine samples, which indicate that these plant hormones can be assimilated and processed by the body.
Estradiol is the primary biologically active estrogen that changes in menopause, and it’s the one that usually matters most for estrogen replacement.
An important aspect of a bioidentical hormone treatment is to avoid all oral hormone preparations.
Some of the best practitioners do not recommend to take phytoestrogens in the oral form of a pill.
Swallowed hormones are partially destroyed by our potent stomach acids, and the sensibly reduced quantity of hormones that actually survives this assault, then moves to the liver where it will be further broken down.
The result of taking phytoestrogens orally is that only 10-15 percent will eventually reach the tissues.
So it is definitely not recommended to swallow them in form of a pill.
The best way seems to be using a phytoestrogen cream.
The cream should be applied to an area of the skin where it can be absorbed easily, like for example the membranes that line your vagina, which gives, according to many practictioners, the best and most complete absorption possible.
In the section of the course, below the video, you will find the cream we recommend.
It is of course very important that you have a thorough grasp of all the theory of the full program, especially the one related to the micro blood circulation, the vasodilation, the relation between tissue oxygenation and dht formation, and how to naturally deactivate DHT only on your scalp.
This will be the make-break point for the health of your hair, particularly when you will begin the training on the practical part.
The suggestions contained in this video, the supplements to take (always in coordination with your doctor) must be done in synthony and synergy with the active application of our stop hair loss treatment.
They are not a stand alone solution, but a coordination of efforts and measures against the thinning of your hair, will increase the chances to give back to your hair follicles their strength and health.
With the help of your doctor determine what the cause of your hormonal imbalance could be, and try to bring back the normal hormone levels with the best solution to fit your personal state of health.
Now you are aware of what are the main causes that could be causing to you this imbalance.
The information contained herein should NOT be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider.
The information provided here is for educational and informational purposes only.
In no way should it be considered as offering medical advice.
Please check with a physician if you suspect you are ill. We talk in this post of some of the best fixes for hair loss.
I read about phytoestrogen creams for female hair loss and want to consider for my very thin hair. Im concerned about ANY Risks using the Phyto….
I plan to see a dr. next mo. about my hair thinning. Over the last 10yrs I make progress, then lose progress… vitamins, herbal estracts like nettles, saw palmetto makes my hair grow slightly, but does not restore the volume i’ve lost. Its drastic at this point. Thank you…
Nickie G.
Hello Nickie, thank you for your interest in our program. It is not a bad idea to see a doc and discuss about the possibility of using a phytoestrogen cream. At we recommend this one:
Keep following the presentation videos of our method, and make sure to get on the full program as soon as you can!