The Best Supplements For Hair Loss

How can you choose the best supplements for hair loss? Learn in this article the most important elements a supplement should contain.
By using the practical part of the program, you are likely to fully restore the blood flow to your hair follicles, enlarge the blood vessels, and decrease the amount of testosterone converted into DHT.
In order to help you fight this hormone, and increase the blood circulation as much as possible, there are a few extra things you can do within your diet.
Some foods and spices have the ability to make blood vessels more elastic and improve their circulatory ability.
Some can even help decrease DHT formation.
Let’s take a look at which ones you may want to integrate into your diet Use red pepper, or cayenne pepper, along with garlic in your diet as they are both natural vasodilators and powerful promoters of blood circulation.
Ginger root and gingko biloba can help to expand the blood vessels and help lower blood pressure.
Eating nuts and dried seeds rich in Niacin can reduce cholesterol. Niacin is also more commonly known as B3.
You may find this video useful:
As a side effect, this vitamin can cause you to appear mildly flushed, yet this side effect is harmless. In the previous video we discussed the three origins of seborrhea.
I apologize for the repetition, but doing so it will make it easier for you understand fully the contents of this video.
Besides, the more you go through the materials, the better will be your understanding, and I suggest you to watch each video of this program several times.
A bad diet can trigger hair loss..
The second cause I mentioned was the “digestive origin”. What has been discovered is that bad diets with excessive fried foods, fats and sweets make it impossible for our bile to break it all down.
This makes many of the foods we eat, indigestible.
Due to a diet like this, blood can have an excess of these fats, which can irritate the sebaceous glands when they try to expel the fat from inside.
If you already have naturally oily skin, a bad diet will further increase the sebum production.
One of the first steps you should take in order to improve the condition of your hair, is to change your alimentary habits.
I know it can be frustrating to have to go on a diet, especially when you are used to eating whatever you like.
However, if you suspect that you seborrhea has a digestive origin, you must start by cutting out all the simple carbohydrates, sugars, most dairy, and wheat.
Replace these things with complex carbs such as brown rice, brown rice pasta, vegetables, seafood, beans, tenderloin, soy and lean beef.
Now lets talk about which foods you should avoid while on your diet, and why. First of all I want you to understand what cholesterol is, because it can be related to DHT.
Cholesterol is a fat produced in the liver, and it is one of the main components of the cell walls of the human body.
In a balanced quantity, this fat is absolutely essential and vital for the functioning of our body.
Unfortunately, most westerners include too many foods in their diet that increase the production of this type of fat.
High cholesterol can cause hair thinning
A high cholesterol diet includes too much saturated fat.
Especially the type of fat that comes from animals and foods like salami, beef, veal, butter, high fat cheeses and eggs.
These are the foods that cause cholesterol levels in your blood to rise. Packaged foods that contain coconut oil, butter, or margarine are other common foods that contribute to the levels of this fat.
Unfortunately snacks like chips, crackers and most cookies also increase cholesterol. High levels of this fat in our body leave deposit in the arteries causing restricted blood flow, which eventually can result in a heart attack.
There are three main reasons why high levels of cholesterol and hair loss are related: scientists have found that high levels of cholesterol trigger an excessive production of the 5 Alpha reductase in our body, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone into DHT.
Cholesterol decreases blood flow, resulting in less blood reaching the hair follicles and therefore less nutrient intake, less oxygen (which is vital for the health of the hair) and less energy for the follicles.
Besides that, we have seen in the first video of module 3, how great quantities of DHT are produced in a low oxygen environment. High levels of cholesterol enter the hair follicles and clog them, preventing the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands from being properly evacuated.
This way the roots of the hair gradually lose their space and degenerate.
Sebum contains DHT on its own, as we have already seen, and this makes a high presence of cholesterol in your blood absolutely lethal for your hair. In order to fight cholesterol and hair loss, your diet should be rich in:
- Green-leafed vegetables,
- Beans,
- Legumes,
- Fresh and dried fruit (don’t forget your avocados)
- White meat,
- Liver,
- Dried beans,
- Beer yeast,
- Brown cereals and
- Fish, up to three times a week.
These are the foods that have a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, which your diet should be rich in.
Physical exercise is also very important to reduce cholesterol in your blood, improve your artery health and improve the blood flow to your hair follicles.
If you are not used to exercising, at least do some running, which helps your circulation, and improves the elasticity of your skin.
If your diet is poor in vegetables and minerals, then you should absolutely use a vitamin/mineral supplement.
You can find our recommended vitamins below this video or in our pdf’s.
The vitamins and minerals that your diet should consist of are: Vitamin A – It has a fundamental role in the health of the skin.
The importance of B vitamins and biotin to prevent baldness
The B Vitamins in general, but especially B8, commonly known as biotin, which plays one of the most important roles in the health of your hair.
The vitamins of this group are generally known for their help regulating the functions of the sebaceous glands and for their beneficial properties to hair health.
Biotin in addition plays a role in the synthesis of keratin, the main protein component of the hair.
You must make sure that your diet is rich in biotin, along with the rest of the vitamins of this group.
Then we have vitamin C, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature, and vitamin E, which helps fight the free radicals in charge of hair and ageing.
Let’s move to the minerals: Magnesium is so important for the body that it cannot be without it, for physical and mental reasons.
That is of particular interest to us, because magnesium also allows muscular contractions, and it is essential for creating energy at a cellular level.
Lack of magnesium can cause nervousness and insomnia, thus if your diet is poor in magnesium, you are more likely to be subject to stress, with all the consequences for your hair.
Spinach is a great source of magnesium.
Iron is indispensable and aids in the synthesis of hemoglobin, an important protein responsible for carrying oxygen from the respiratory organs to the different tissues of our body, the scalp included.
Iron is also an important component of muscle cells and is essential for the formation of various enzymes within the body.
Therefore an adequate intake of this mineral, either through your diet or supplements, is necessary for strong blood vessels and proper blood flow.
Copper contributes to the creation of melanin, the pigment giving color to hair and protecting it from solar radiation.
Selenium is a strong antioxidant and contributes to keep the skin elastic.
Zinc, which favors hair growth and muscular work. In 2006 a team of scientists in Turkey found that zinc helps dilate blood vessels, thins blood and improves circulation.
Moreover, zinc is particularly vital for the synthesis of keratin, i.e. the protein of which the hair is made of at 95%,
This mineral is also the constitutive element of more than 200 enzymes in our body, therefore it plays a fundamental role in proteins and sugar metabolism.
It is also a powerful antioxidant and is able to stimulate a good functionality of the sebaceous glands.
Potassium: Potassium is a mineral that is present inside cells and maintains fluid balance.
The body uses a great deal of energy to pump potassium in and out of cells to help conduct nerve impulses, contract muscles, maintain normal body pH and support bone and kidney health.
Now, listen carefully, this is important: Potassium is an essential mineral for the proper constriction or relaxation of blood vessels.
Spinach, broccoli, carrots, brussels’ sprouts, beans, lentils, squash, artichoke, nuts, avocados, bananas, tuna, halibut, trout, salmon, cod and clams are foods which contain this fundamental mineral.
Lastly we have Sulfur, which is an essential mineral for hair health, formed by a few amino acids that belong to keratin itself.
These amino acids are called methionine, cysteine, homocysteine, and taurine and are the most important amino acids for hair growth. In case your diet is lacking these vitamins and minerals, a food supplement is mandatory, and in our guide I have included a few supplements we recommend and where to get them.
I personally would advise you to eat organic food, rather than conventionally grown food. According to recent studies, organic foods are more nutritious and they have been grown without harmful synthetic pesticides.
Eating organic will make a difference in the general health of your body, not only of your hair.
The best diet for a good hair loss prevention
Stay away from junk food of course and high fat foods, which are also bad for blood circulation as we saw.
Avoiding butter, lard, and fried foods, will help those who have oily skin. Now, you can enjoy a diet of vegetables with no problems, they are a very good source of vitamins and minerals and are easily digestible.
A lot of vegetables also contain high percentages of proteins, for example; all the species of legumes, dried ones in particular, and soya sprouts.
Eating healthy and organic when possible, will help you maintain a healthier body and will improve the quality of your blood, to nourish your follicles.
Last but not least, if you are suffering from severe hair loss, you should avoid any animal milk and dairy products, especially those with a high fat content.
Cows today are treated with many antibiotics and hormones that enable them to produce large amounts of milk.
These chemicals are passed on to you in the food, and they cause hormonal imbalances, They can also increase androgen, which may lead to more DHT in your body.
Modern pasteurized milk has been associated with many health problems, according to several scientific studies, and if you keep drinking it, you do so at your own risk.
I recommend that you replace the dairy products you consume with soy products, such as isolated soy protein, tofu, rice or oat milk.
As I said in the third intro video, I also highly recommend a Candida cleanse. Candida is a fungal organism found in each one of us as a part of our intestinal flora.
When our diet is rich in simple carbs, such as white pasta, white bread, soft drinks and of course sugar, we get what is called a Candida infection, because the cells of this fungus feed on glucose, while the good bacteria thrive on fibers.
This is a condition that plagues many people worldwide, and creates different digestive problems, which then reflect on the health of the scalp skin.
Those are the reasons why you should change alimentary habits, and get more fibers and less sugar.
Remember these particular points as they are important.
Getting them right, and actually implementing them in your life, can be a major breakpoint not only for your hair follicles, but also for the general health of your body.
If you suspect you have a Candida infection, get a probiotic supplement to help you reduce the overgrowth of this fungus and re-establish the balance between the good and the bad bacteria.
Below this video and in the pdf, you will find the probiotic supplements we recommend here at If you can’t purchase probiotic supplements, try to follow the dietary directions I gave you, and look for a natural solution to Candida infections.
Just be aware that your skin is a reflection of what is going on inside your body, and what you eat influences your appearance. In this specific case, it may be contributing to your scalp problems.