05 Nov

Oh my God! I am losing too much hair

Oh my God! I am losing too much hair

I am losing too much hair, what can I do?Oh my God, I am losing too much hair: this is the sentence I hear often when doing customer service of our program to stop hair loss: the endhairloss.eu full program.

People lose hair- every day.

It can happen during your showers, when you’re blowing it, or when you give it a fast brush—and that’ prettys normal.

Actually, on average, we lose 50 to a 100 hairs every day and that’s just some hair which is going through its cycles, and there will certainly be a new one that will replace it.

This happens when the situation on your scalp is normal.

But baldness could be a sign of a more serious condition that need often an immediate evaluation by a good practitioner or dermatologist.

Let’s analize some of the main causes of this problem, and how to deal with each one of them.

Telogen effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a condition which often occurs after

  • pregnancy,
  • sudden and strong weight loss,
  • extreme stress and
  • major surgery.

What happens is that you shed big amounts of hair every day, normally when brushing or washing it.

It can also be caused by specific medications, such as

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • antidepressants (don’t take them!) and
  • beta-blockers.

During the heavy shedding, hair shifts much faster than what usually happens from its growing step into the “resting” phase before proceding quickly into the shedding one, called telogen phase.

Ladies with telogen effluvium typically notice hair loss 5 weeks to 3 months after a stressful happening.

In some cases, such as delivery or big surgeries, you may have to just wait until the hair loss slows down automatically.

The use of the Endhairloss.eu Full Program can help you greatly prevent excessive shedding.

If medication is the cause, talk to your practitioner about lowering your dosage or changing to another drug.

If you suspect that it’s stress-related, do your best to reduce your anxiety, and again: also in this case our program can help you prevent that stress make all your hair fall out.

Hereditary male or female pattern baldness

This type is known as androgenetic alopecia and, according to most of the American dermatologists, is the most common culprit of hair loss.

The gene that – they say cause it- can be inherited from either your mom or dad, even though you’re more likely to have it if both of them suffered from it.

A famous American dermatologists says that women with this tendency tend to develop shedding at the hairline just behind the bangs.

You may be vulnerable if your mom also has this type of thinning.

Sometimes, the hair loss may be diffuse, which means that it’s spread across the entire surface of the scalp.

Your dermatologist will study the pattern of baldness to decide if it’s hereditary and may order blood tests to rule out other possible causes.

Use the Endhairloss.eu antibaldness program to prevent this type of baldness.

You can also use Rogaine twice a day.

Women should not use itif they are waiting a baby or nursing.

Men may be treated with finasteride ,an oral medication, but beware of the heavy side effects.

With our program you can avoid those sides, as it is 100% natural.

Another cause for hair loss: Hypothyroidism

Millions of persons on this planet, mostly women, suffer from this so called thyroid disease.

When the body produces very little thyroid hormone, which is responsible for metabolism, heart and mood, one is said to have hypothyroidism.Another cause for hair loss can Hypothyroidism

When the body makes too much of this hormone, you suffer from hyperthyroidism.

This hormone is responsible for all, from your fundamental metabolic rate—the rate at which your body uses the oxygen we breath and energy to work—to the growth of nails, hair and even skin.

Hypothyroidism can cause a lot of symptoms, including

  • fatigue,
  • depression,
  • difficulty concentrating, and
  • unexplained weight gain.

Nails and our hair may become more brittle and break very easily.

This disease, as I said, is more common in women, especially over 50.

Hyperthyroidism on the other side can cause (among the rest can cause your hair to thin quickly)

  • heart palpitations,
  • moist skin,
  • nervousness,
  • one can be often nervous
  • diarrhea,
  • muscle weakness,
  • weight loss, and
  • hair loss, when the metabolism speeds up.

In coordination with your doctor, get a blood test done, to measure the thyroid-stimulating hormone produced in the pituitary gland.

If there is too much TSH, this means hypothyroidism, while very low levels indicates hyperthyroidism.

The Full Program can help you slow down the consequence on your follicles of disease, if  you are losing too much hair because of it.
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Also phitoestrogens may help you regulate the hormone production in your body, and prevent hair loss.