Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2), and its relation to hair loss

Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2), and its relation to hair loss: learn everything in this post!
Hair loss can be a really traumatic experience, if you are a guy, but for women it can really become a calamity, considering how important is for women to have nice attractive locks.
In this post we discuss one of the main hair loss products of the last years.
We definitely think it would be useful at preventing hair loss but we don’t know for sure that it would actually help regrow.
Future studies are expected to investigate whether a protein inhibitor could also help women with androgenetic alopecia (female pattern baldness).
Researchers are always trying to find a definitive solution to hair loss, and one of the last frontiers is represented by something called “prostaglandin D2”.
A group of dermatologists in the university of Pennsylvania announced last year that they have discovered an enzyme called Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2), which is responsible, according to what they say, for the hair follicles stop producing new hair.
During their research they have screened 250 genes that are implicated with baldness and they have concluded that the levels of PGD2 play an important role in “instructing” the hair follicles so that they stop producing new hair.
The levels of this enzyme have been found much higher in men suffering from male hair loss.
Even though here at we are firmly convinced that the real causes of hair loss are a decline in the micro blood flow to the scalp and the androgenetic hormone DHT, this discovery about this enzyme could nevertheless help provide a more extensive answer to not only stop hair loss permanently, but it could possibly enable bald men to regrow heads full of hair.
New hair follicles growth with PGD2 blocker
The lipid compound called Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) kills the hair follicles, and it has been observed to be much more abundant in people losing hair than in non balding men.
A receptor called GPR44 is present in the hair follicles, and the prostaglandin D2 attaches to it, causing hair loss.
Some pharmaceutical companies are testing some drugs that should either block the receptor in the follicles, or disable the enzyme that creates PGD2.
This could put the brakes on balding scalps.
Good results have been obtained so far, but only in lab-cultured follicles, and the way to human trials is still very long and not exactly cheap.
Also, it remains to be seen if an anti PGD2 drug can stop hair loss and promote the growth of new hair in areas of the head completely bald.
Hair regrowth with follicular neogenesis
That process, if invented and induced with drugs, would be called “follicular neogenesis”, something that we have achieved naturally with the active use of the Full Program.
This is what the scientists are trying to so at the moment: extract some skin cells from the dermal papillae, (those type of cells that instruct other cells to create hair follicles) from a part of the scalp where hair is thick and healthy, grow them outside in a dish, and them put them back in an bald area of the scalp.
This is working at the moment, but only with rats.
Hopefully science will come up with something that really works also with humans, not only with rodents!
Some drugs that reduce PGD2 levels are already available by the time this post is being written, and the researchers in Pennsylvania university say that they have successfully applied the lotion to mice and found it was effective in stopping hair loss and regenerating new longer hairs.
PGD2, according to them prevents the hair follicle cells from maturing, and stopping this action, would permit the hair to grow again.
In the market, there already 10 drugs available that decrease the levels of PGD2, and hopefully this represents a new workable treatment to help fight hair loss for good.
This hair loss treatment is fully compatible with our Full Program to stop baldness, by the way!
In the future, this group of researchers, is expected to find out whether a protein blocker could also help females suffering from female pattern baldness.
We will keep you informed when this new treatment has been developed and it is ready to be marketed.
So, at what point is the research on PGD2 in december 2014?
Well, unfortunately, while there are different PGD2 blockers around, the real result that we had waiting for (to get the same regrowth that was gotten on lab mice), they has not been achieved yet.
Despite the excitement that scientists and common hair loss sufferers have had about these new developments, Dr, Cotsarelis (chief of the research team) is still only negotiating with pharmaceutical industries, to get a functional cure finally produced and distributed.
As soon as we know more, or some news breaks, we will keep you informed.
In the meanwhile, we can help you STOP your hair loss with our natural treatment (check the video up to the right!
More videos on hair loss:
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Prostaglandin D2 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prostaglandin D2 (or PGD2) is a prostaglandin that binds to the receptor PTGDR, as well as CRTH2. It is a major prostaglandin produced by mast cells – recruits …