04 Jul

Hair Loss prevention diet: the good and the bad fats for your hair

Hair Loss prevention diet: the good and the bad fats for your hair

In this post I’m going to talk about the fats that you should include in your diet if you are suffering from hair loss, and which fats you should avoid.

Bad fats can increase cholesterol really fast and your risk of some specific diseases, while good fats protect your heart and support overall health.

They can also influence the health of your hair follicles, and this will be the subject of this video, but first lose weight, I would like to introduce a very important concept: in our body there is a hormone called DHT.

This hormone is a derived from testosterone, and if it’s found in big quantities, it can be quite aggressive towards the hair follicles: it can attack them, reducing their dimension and deactivating their functions.

There are two types of this hormone: the dht produced in the sebaceous glands and the one produced within the hair follicle.

Both types are dangerous for your hair, and if you want to stop your hair loss you’ll have to control and reduce the production of this hormone in your scalp.

Let’s see how this is possible with the right diet.

One crucial thing to be aware of when you follow an anti-hair loss diet is the type of fats that you eat.

The bad fats for your hair

Bad fats will increase the production of DHT, while good fats will improve our general health, as well as that of our hair follicles.

Another benefit coming from good fats is the improvement of the micro blood circulation.

Bad fats are known as saturated fats.

hair loss prevention diet, saturated fats

Included in this group are: animal fat, especially red meat, salami, butter, lard, fat cheese, and fried food.

This type of fat increases the level of cholesterol in our body and prevents a good circulation because it partially clogs the inner sides of veins and arteries.

As we know, circulation is important in order to keep healthy hair follicles, therefore if your diet includes saturated fat of the type stated above, make sure to replace it with good fat, which I will list in the video.

Can I eat meat while following a stop hair loss diet?

Before jumping to the fats that are beneficial for your body, I would like to spare a couple of words on the matter of meat consumption.

Many people ask me if they can keep eating it, while following an anti-hair loss diet.

I usually answer that a good steak never hurt anyone, but I would suggest eating it no more than a couple of times per week, provided that you remove the fatty part.

This type of fat is dangerous for your health as well as your hair’s, as I just explained.

Beef and Lamb fat is particularly bad for you, while –surprisingly– pork fat is not bad at all.

hair loss prevention diet, meat consumption

To sum it up: if you’re suffering from hair loss, you might want to cut on the saturated fat as it is detrimental for your hair follicles.

In fact, when you eat foods rich in this fat, this will make its way, through micro-circulation, to the follicles.

These will get irritated, in the attempt of expelling the fat, and they’ll produce excess of sebum – this will increase the type of DHT produced in the sebaceous glands– causing damage and hair loss.

This is the main concern in an anti-hair loss diet: avoiding saturated fat.

The good fats for your hair

What fat should you include in your diet?

Easy: the fatty acid omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9, also known as the non-saturated fats.

They’re also called essential fats, because our system cannot produce them and they have to be introduced in our body through food.

This type of fat is essential for our body, as they balance hormones – since they participate in the creation of them.

They produce also energy for the body.

Fatty acid Omega 3 comes mainly from foods like fish and fish oil, as well as from corn and nuts.

hair loss prevention diet, the non saturated fats

Among its benefits, we find: increase of good cholesterol in blood, improvement of circulation, anti-inflammatory property on the tissues, which include hair follicles.

Certain fish contain more fatty acids than others and these are: salmon, mackerel, swordfish, anchovies and trout.

For this reason, a balanced and healthy diet should include at least two portions of fish in a week.

Vegan diet stop hair loss info

But what about vegetarians or vegans?

Well, I have some good news for those who don’t eat meat or fish: omega 3 can be also found in flax seeds, walnuts, cereals, green vegetables, like spinach, broccoli, lettuce and kale.

All these foodstuffs, besides being an important source of vitamins and minerals, contain also a small percentage of Omega 3.

Other small sources of Omega 3 are: beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, and in bigger quantities soy and its derivatives (i.e. soy milk or tofu).

Vitamins for your hair, to prevent baldness

Let’s consider now the most important vitamins and minerals that your diet should contain, starting from vitamins.

Vitamin A.

This vitamin is important to prevent skin aging as it controls the negative effect of free radicals, which are the molecules responsible for cellular decay, bringing benefits to the scalp.

This nutrient can be found in cod-liver oil, eggs, tomatoes, carrots and peaches.

Next we have the B Complex Vitamins: they are extremely important for your hair, especially B5 (also known as panthenol) that provides flexibility, strength, and brightness.

B6 vitamin fights dandruff, while B8 (also known as biotin) helps preventing seborrhea, which causes excess sebum on the scalp.

These vitamins are contained in the following aliments: liver, kidneys, heart, egg yolk, beer yeast, eggs, cereals, whole wheat bread, fish, beans, royal jelly and parsley.

Let’s now talk about Vitamin C.

This well-known vitamin contributes to hair growth and it’s a powerful, natural anti-oxidant.

It’s contained for the most part in citrus fruit, spinach, cucumbers, onions, avocados, parsley and cabbage.

The next vitamin that is important for our hair’s health is Vitamin D.

This vitamin has a key role in the anagen process – which is the phase of follicle growth, and several studies show that a deficiency of Vitamin D can cause hair loss.

Vitamin D increases immune functions by a factor from 3 to 5.

Sun exposure stimulates the production of this vitamin, which is known to reduce respiratory infections and other pathologies.

Vitamin D can be found in many aliments such as fish, eggs, and cod-liver oil.

As I said, sun contributes to the daily production of Vitamin D: 10 minutes of sun exposure are enough to prevent a Vitamin D deficiency.

Now, let’s talk about Vitamin E.

This vitamin fights against free radicals that damage the hair structure, and it prevents breakage and hair loss.

It can be found in avocados, corn, broccoli, plums, spinach, asparagus, apples, blueberries, bananas, and carrots.

The next important vitamin is Vitamin K, a great anti-bacterial for the microbial flora on the scalp.

This vitamin is contained in cabbage, spinach, soy oil, celery, lettuce and parsley.

Minerals for your hair, to prevent baldness

Now, let’s see the minerals, especially those that provide nutrients to the hair.

Zinc is important in the synthesis of cheratin and participates in the synthesis of collagen, making it an essential substance for the health of the hair and the scalp.

This mineral is contained in the following foods: beans, whole cereals, oysters, corn seed, white meat, pumpkin seeds and green peas.

Let’s now consider another important mineral: Iron.

This is a crucial element because it participates in the hemoglobin synthesis.

Hemoglobin is a protein responsible for the distribution of oxygen in different tissues of the body.

This mineral is very important for the microcirculation, which is essential for the health of the hair.

It is found in liver, eggs, green beans, nuts, horse-meat, and green vegetables.

The next mineral that’s important for the health of the hair is sulfur: an essential part of cheratin, which is the main protein that forms the hair structure.

It is found in eggs, almonds, watercress, horseradish, mustard and garlic.

The last mineral that’s important for our cause is Selenium, a powerful antioxidant that keeps the skin elastic by promoting blood flow, which we said it’s important for the health of the hair.

It’s found mainly in fish and crustaceous, oysters and clams, eggs, barley, white and red meat, and wheat.

Sulfurated amino acids for your hair, to prevent baldness

Now, besides vitamins and minerals, there are three amino acids that are important for the hair, and these are: Cysteine, Methionine and Taurine.

hair loss prevention diet, sulphurated amino acids

They are called sulphurates amino acids because they contain a sulfur atom in their structure.

As we previously said, this mineral is part of cheratin, the main protein that hairs are made of, therefore you understand why these elements are important for the hair’s structure and the well-being of our scalp.

The natural resources with the highest concentration of sulfur-containing amminoacids are egg yolks, fish, chicken, and among vegetables spirulina, broccoli, legumes, sesame and pumpkins seeds.

I recommend following the alimentary advice in this post, and if by chance your diet is missing any of these vital elements, I suggest taking supplements.

Here is a pdf with the hair supplements that we recommend here at Endhairloss.eu:

Supplements recommended from Endhairloss.eu pdf

Visit https://endhairloss.eu if you want to learn how to stop hair loss naturally!

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